"Freemasonry tries to make good men better, it cannot make bad men good"

Minutes – Balance Sheet 1921

The table below is the Balance Sheet for the year ending November 1921:
Income £ s d
Collected from chartered members 26 10 0
Whist Drive and Dance 30 13 4
Erection and Consecration 20 12 6
4 Candidates’ Fees at £5 – 5 shillings each 21 0 0
3 Candidates’ Fees at £5 – 5 shillings each 15 15 0
4 Candidates’ Fees at £5 – 5 shillings each 21 0 0
Received for Mark Diplomas 1 5 0
Subscribed to Loan 30 0 0
1 Candidate’s Fees at £5 – 5 shillings 5 5 0
Total: 172 0 10

Inventory of property in charge of the secretary was found to be all in good order, at the same time I must report 1 working apron, also 1 pair of shoes missing.

I should like an explanation R.W.M. on missing property.

Signed J D S Neilson

The table below is the Expenditure for the year ending November 1921:
Expenditure: £ s d
Grand Lodge for Charter (receipt missing) 10 10 0
Chartered Members Diplomas/Registration Fees 13 2 6
Cash Box 0 7 11
One pair of swords 0 16 2
Whist Drive and Dance 13 12 10½
Erection and Consecration 37 1 6
Dues for Entrants 0 10 0
Lodge annual test contribution 1 10 0
Grand Lodge Fees at (16/6 each candidate) 3 6 0
Paid part of furnishings 35 0 0
Grand Lodge Fees 2 9 6
One dozen candles 0 1 3
Mr A Thompson for rent of school 2 12 6
Grand Lodge Fees 3 6 0
Mr S Spence for Hymn books 1 10 6
Wardrobe 2 5 0
Part of furnishings 20 0 0
Mark Book 0 4 0
Grand Lodge Fees 1 5 0
Expenses to Grand Lodge Officer 0 15 0
Mark Diplomas and Certificates 1 10 0
Rent of School 1 15 0
Insurance, Burglary and Fire 0 11 3
Grand Lodge Fees 0 16 6
Secretary for postage 0 6 6
Treasurer for postage and fares 1 6
Total £ : 156 11 8
Total Income £ : 172 0 10
Total Expenditure £ : 156 11 8
Leaving a cash balance of £ : 15 9 2

We also examined Secy. Book and found all correct.

Signed J D S Neilson (Auditor)
David Gault (Auditor)

Minutes – 24th December

The Annual Installation of Office-bearers and The Festival of St. John were held in Bridgend School on Saturday 24th December 1921 at 6pm.

On this occasion the purveying was carried out by Broxburn Co-operative Society. The cost at that time was two shillings and sixpence per head.

The collection for the Grand Lodge Annuity Fund realised one pound ten shillings.