"Freemasonry tries to make good men better, it cannot make bad men good"

Office Bearers

The following are the Installed Office Bearers for 2025
Title Name
Right Worshipful Master Bro Martin Leslie Nelson P.M.
Immediate Past Master Bro John Crawford, D.S.M.
Depute Master Bro Bill Ewen P.M., D.S.M.
Substitute Master Bro Ian Blair Robertson
Senior Warden Bro Alan Keith Sinclair
Junior Warden Bro John Robert Thomas Crawford
Secretary Bro Robert Raymond Newton P.M., D.S.M.
Treasurer Bro Gary Hamilton Waugh Clelland
Almoner Bro Norman John Austin P.M., D.S.M.
Chaplain Bro William Ewen P.M., D.S.M.
Senior Deacon Bro James Ferguson Smith P.M.
Junior Deacon Bro John Reidy
Inner Guard Bro Connor Alexander Crawford
Director of Ceremonies Bro Stewart Graham McMeechan P.M.
Bible Bearer Bro David Alexander Hope
Sword Bearer Bro Calum George Russell
Tyler Bro John Alexander Sandilands
Organist vacant
Steward Bro Cameron Thomas Crawford and Robert John Crawford
Members of Committee
Provincial Representative Bro Norman John Austin P.M., D.S.M.